Is Sports Massage Suitable for Non-Athletes?


Although the name may suggest this type of therapy is specific for athletes, it most certainly is not exclusive to this group.

Sports massage therapy is suitable for anyone who is suffering with:

·       Pain

·       Tension

·       Restricted movement

·       Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

·       Poor posture

·       Poor circulation

·       Scar tissue build up

·       And so much more

The benefits of regular sports massage therapy are numerous, from reduction in pain and muscle tension to improved flexibility and circulation, better sleep and mood. Read our FAQ on the benefits of Sports Massages to learn more about ways it can help.


At MLH Physio we treat athletes and non-athletes using targeted sports massage therapy.  For more information and pricing or to book an appointment, visit our sports massage therapy page.

Get in touch if you have any questions.